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Our goal is to reach 50 million underserved individuals to help them get mentally & physically FIT and help them 'Kinect' the dots on their journey to success. Our digital platform will give direct access to Sheryl's curated network, but we need help! We are currently seeking $50,000 to:


1. Support Sheryl on her Road to Ms. Olympia!


2. Continue building the FIT digital platform featuring our network of experts and coaches.


3. Fund FIT for the Future Scholarships to allow underserved individuals in the US and abroad to take advantage of the FIT digital platform. This includes participants of our FIT to the Future program and our network of community partners around the globe!


To learn more about our FIT for the future program, visit


To learn more about our global programs, visit


Any amount is appreciated as we set out to empower 50 million!

Road To Ms. Olympia Donation

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